Weekly Kungfu class for everyone at Ready

Dear Parents,
We are pleased to inform you that the school will start offering Kung Fu class during the morning period every Friday to all students. The goal is to further enrich Ready's school activities, and children can enjoy more physical exercises and fitness.
The class is led by Master Leon, who is well known in South Bay Chinese community. Master Leon is also providing the Kung Fu class to our other schools, which has been a success and children love him. Please let us know if there are any questions or concerns.
Leon Zhang
25th Kungfu TaiChi Grandmasters Live! Theatrical Performance Director
SMKF Martial Arts Studio 合伙人
Leon 老师在湾区有着13年的教学经验和丰富多元的教学理念一直以来与私立幼儿园、公立学校保持长久的合作.
Leon 老师也热心服务社区:Saratoga High School & Lynbrook High School 学生们传授公益武术